Portals and AJAX

JBoss Portal Server Development

Chapter 6
Portals and AJAX

This chapter excerpt from JBoss Portal Server Development by Ramanujam Rao, is printed with permission from Packt Publishing, Copyright 2007.


Rich user interfaces can be achieved by using a combination of dynamic HTML elements such as HTML and JavaScript. However, the scope of such an interface is limited to client-side behavior and has minimal functional implications due to the lack of server-side interactions. The power of AJAX is in its capability to provide even richer interface by supplementing its dynamic user interface with powerful functionality through seamless server-side invocation power. AJAX allows individual user interface components to communicate with the server and exchange data without the need for refreshing the whole screen. This is achieved using a process called Web Remoting. Web remoting, or the process of communicating between a browser and a server, can be performed in multiple ways. The popular approaches that are supported by today's browsers are IFrames and XMLHttpRequest. Dynamic HTML can be complemented with either of these methods to generate AJAX functionality.

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or AJAX

Asynchronous communication between the client and the server forms the backbone of AJAX. Although an asynchronous request-response method can provide signifi cant value in the development of rich functionality by itself, the results are lot more pronounced when used in conjunction with other functional standards such as CSS, DOM, JavaScript, and so on. The predominant popularity of AJAX stems from such usage.

Client-server communication can be achieved either by using IFrames, or by using the supported JavaScript function call XMLHttpRequest(). Due to certain limitations of IFrames, XMLHttpRequest has gained a lot more acceptance. While IFrame can also be an effective option for implementing AJAX-based solutions, in this chapter, we will focus largely on an XMLHttpRequest-based implementation. The primary advantage of using AJAX-based interfaces is that the update of content occurs without page refreshes. A typical AJAX implementation using XMLHttpRequest happens as described in the following steps:

1. An action on the client side, whether this is a mouse click or a timed refresh, triggers a client event
2. An XMLHttpRequest object is created and confi gured
3. The XMLHttpRequest object makes a call
4. The request is processed by a server-side component
5. The component returns an XML (or an equivalent) document containing the result
6. The XMLHttpRequest object calls the callback() function and processes the result
7. The HTML DOM is updated with any resulting values

The following simplifi ed image illustrates the high-level steps involved in an AJAX request fl ow. The portal client page gets served to the client browser, where the execution of JavaScript functions takes place.

The following example illustrates the initialization of the request object and its basic use:

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // Object of the current window {
    // for non-IE browsers
    request = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject){
    // For IE
    request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    request.onreadystatechange = function()
    // do something to process response
if (request.readyState == 4){
    // everything received, OK. Do something now..
} else {
   // wait for the response to come to ready state


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