Mass Communication and Journalism > Video Production
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Match the following parts of camera with its features.

A. View finder - - - - - 1. 1/30th of a second
B. Zoom- - - - - - - - - -2. eye piece on camera
C. Focus- - - - - - - - - -3. close ups
D. Frame- - - - - - - - - 4. auto and manual

- A:3, B:2, C:4, D:1
- A:3, B:4, C:2,D:1
- A: 2, B:3, C:4,D:1
- A:3, B:1, C:4, D:2

CORRECT ANSWER : A: 2, B:3, C:4,D:1
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View finder, zoom, focus and frame are the basic features which are found on any camera. Viewfinder is a small eye piece on a camera and it allows you to see the image that you are recording. At times, it also acts as a VCR. Zoom is a feature which allows a person to take close ups and zoom out. The options 'T' and 'W' allows to zoom in a bit slowly. There are 2 positions for focus – auto and manual. Manual focus is used when there is a huge movement of dominant figures. In auto focus, there is an automatic focus on the dominant figure. Frame is a single and a complete video image that lasts for 1/30th of a second. There are 30 frames in a second.

Meera V Nair 06-9-2015 06:38 AM

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