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Which among the following is/are a type of lead?

- Summary
- Descriptive
- Question
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above
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A lead can be of various types and it also includes summary, question, descriptive and quotation leads. The summary lead summarizes the whole story in one statement by answering the 5W's and 1 H. Most of the newspapers still use the concept of summary lead. It deals with only the key points of a story. A descriptive scene is used to describe a scene. It tries to make the reader imagine about the scene in terms of sight and sound. The question lead raises a question and answers it in the following paragraph. Such leads are commonly used in the news feature writing. Few other leads are quotation, bullet, contrast or dialogue lead.

Meera V Nair 06-10-2015 01:41 AM

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