When should I use a Java applet instead of AJAX?

When should I use a Java applet instead of AJAX?

Scenarios to use Java applet instead of AJAX:

- When there is a need for custom data streaming
- Need for graphic manipulation
- Threading related functionality
- Complex and advanced GUI manipulations.

When should I use a Java applet instead of AJAX?

- Applets provide features like custom data streaming, graphic manipulation, threading, and advanced GUIs which AJAX cannot.
- However, with the help of DHTML, the functionalities of AJAX can be extended further.
- AJAX requires that the browser be DHTML and AJAX capable.
- AJAX-based functionality does need to take browser differences into consideration due to which using a JavaScript library such as Dojo which abstracts browser differences is recommended.
- AJAX/DHTML works well for applications where the latest browsers are used.
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