What attracts you towards a BPO? - BPO FAQ

What attracts you towards a BPO?

When you are asked this question – focus your answer mainly on the growth of the industry and the prospects you see for yourself in the industry. You can also keep some facts and figures about the growth of the industry handy which will help you in providing more weight to your statement.

Where do you see yourself 3 years from now?

The purpose of this question is to see if you are ambitious and if you will stay with the company for sometime or not. To answer this question you can say, “In three years from now, I see myself at a more responsible position where my company treats me as an asset and hope to grow with this company.”
What are your strengths? - BPO FAQ
What are your strengths? - To answer this question – analyse the requirements of the position you have applied for and make a list of the qualities a person working in that profile.........
Why do you want to quit your present job? - BPO FAQ
Why do you want to quit your present job? - If you are currently working or worked in the past, it is one of the most obvious questions you would face.........
How would you manage your accommodation? - BPO FAQ
How would you manage your accommodation? - This question might be thrown at you unexpectedly to see your reaction. To answer this, you can just say that accommodation will not be a problem, you will manage.........
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Discussion Board
All the glitters are not gold
Accepted BPO is a pool where candidate's guts are tested. But again why a candidate is being barred to express full fledgedly ,if may be somewhat not touching the image of company in consideration. For example I mean candidate is new to bussiness world but has the knowledge and smartness to cope up the environment but is taking time to adapt in situations,why he/she is being just thrown to wolves,instead to tolerate him/her for a very effective prospectus in groom.
Sami 11-4-2015