Do you know anything about our company? - BPO FAQ

Do you know anything about our company?

Answer to this question shows your level of interest in the job and company. Make it sure that you read about the company before appearing for an interview.

Do you know anyone who works for us?

Give a reference if you know anyone inside.

Do you consider yourself as a team player?

Working for any company these days means being a team player. So, the obvious answer to this is “Yes”. You may quote some examples where you worked as a team.
Why should we hire you? - BPO FAQ
Why should we hire you?, How long would you expect to work for us if given an opportunity?.........
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for? - BPO FAQ
If you were hiring for this position, what qualities would you look for? - A person in a particular role needs to have some qualities, skills and expertise..........
What is your expected salary? - BPO FAQ
What is your expected salary? - Don’t jump at a figure when asked a question about expected salary. Put the ball back in interviewer’s court by asking them.........
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Do you know anyone who works for us?
No. Unfortunately I haven’t gotten acquainted with any of your employees but I must say that I’m very eager to get to know at least a few of them.
Nandagopan Baiju 08-22-2013
BPO Interview - About the company.
To prepare the answer for this question, see the website of the company and look at :
a. About Us
b. Services
c. Locations

A good study of these should suffice for a good answer most of the times.
Hema Iyer 11-7-2011