Components of Biztalk Server architecture - Biztalk

Explain the components of Biztalk Server architecture.

1. Receive Port : Listens for messages.
2. Adapters : Information interchange with external systems.
3. Pipeline, dis-assembler and sub-components : Normalizing the schemas (wire message in its native format) of the internal messages using XML as the common language.
4. MessageBox : Internal XML messages are published here and then are further consumed by Subscribers.
5. Subscribers (Send Port and Orchestration components) : Subscribe to internal messages per metadata or message context properties.
6. BizTalk Orchestration Engine : Processing the internal messages, re-publishing them to MessageBox to be consumed by other subscribers.
7. Send Port : Consumes the internal XML messages, converts them to a wire messages through the associated pipeline and subcomponent Assembler.
8. Adapter : Conveys the wire message to the target system.

Explain the components of BizTalk Server architecture.

BizTalk Server has two main components. Publish and Subscribe. A publisher - responsible for publishing messages in the message store. A subscriber - responsible for subscribing messages of particular format to get the messages whenever they are published.

Inserting messages in the message box database is the process done by the publisher. A receive port and an orchestration port involved in publishing messages to the message box. The message is received by the receive port from pipeline and publishes to the message box, at the receiving port. The message would be published by orchestration, while sending it by using the send shape. The message would be published by a solicit response port after receiving a response from the end system.

The message would be indicated by the subscribers, that they would be received by a group of filters. Thus, whenever a message is published to the message box database, a subscriber would be able to receive / get the message that is based on the criteria, mentioned while subscribing. The promoted fields on the message allow the filters to be specified.
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