What is a concrete derived class?

What is a concrete derived class?

- A concrete derived class has no virtual functions.

- It provides functions for its inherited pure virtual functions. This is to say, it provides all missing functionalities of the abstract class.

- The derived class that implements the missing functionality of an abstract class is the concrete derived class.

- A concrete derived class is a derived class which implements the all functionality that are missed in the super class.

- A derived class is a class that inherits the properties from its super class. For example, a Cat is a super class and Monx cat is a derived
class which has all properties of a cat and does not have a tail.

- Inheritance is one of the important feature of OOP which allows us to make hierarchical classifications of classes. In this, we can create a general class which defines the most common features. Other more specific classes can inherit this class to define those features that are unique to them. In this case, the classes which inherit from other classes, is referred as derived class.


A general class vehicle can be inherited by more specific classes car and bike. The classes car and bike are derived classes in this case.
class vehicle
   int fuel_cap;

class car : public class vehicle

class bike : public class vehicle
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