What is structure in C++?

What is structure in C++?

- The C++ programming technique allows defining user defined datatypes through the structure.

- It is used to represent a record.

- The 'struct' keyword is used for declaring a structure.

struct student
   //declaration of structure member;

struct student
   char name[100];
   char address[250];
- Structure always ends with a semicolon ( ; ).

- Accessing any member of a structure, we use the method access operator ( . ).

int main()
   student s1;   //Declaring object of type student

   cout<<"Student Name :"<<s1.name;
   cout<<"Student Address :"<<s1.address;
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Missing semicolons
There is no semicolons at the end. It may seem obvious but I think it is worth mentioning.
Bartek 08-27-2015