How does C# Generics and C++ Templates compare? - C#.NET

How does C#.NET Generics and C++ Templates compare?

C# generics and templates in C++ are more or less similar syntactically.

- C# Generic types are strong typed. C++ Templates are loosely typed.
- C# Generic types are instantiated at the runtime. C++ templates are instantiated at the compile time.
- C# Generic types do not permit the type parameters to have default values. C++ templates do.

How does C# Generics and C++ Templates compare?

C# generics are a simpler approach to parameterized types without the complexity of C++ templates In addition, C# does not attempt to provide all of the functionality that C++ templates provide.

a. C# generics are more flexible than c++ templates.
b. C# does not allow type parameters to have default types.
c. Partial specialization is not supported by C# generics.
d. C# generics are simpler that C++ templates.
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