Database - Define referential integrity

Define referential integrity.

It is the rules that are applied when the relationships are created. It ensures integrity of data and prevents inconsistent data into the tables.

Define referential integrity.

Referential integrity is a RDBMS concept and ensures the relationships among tables remain consistent. Data integration (correctness of data) and preventing inconsistent data are ensured by referential integrity. This concept has two keys namely primary key and foreign key. Among the tables, one table should contain primary key and other(s), foreign key. Foreign key specifies that the values in that column must not be other than the values available in the table which has primary key.
Database - Define Primary key and Foreign key
A column or combination of columns that identify a row of data in a table is Primary Key.....
Database - Define alternate key
There can be a key apart from primary key in a table that can also be a key. This key may or may not be a unique key.....
Database - Define SQL
Structured query language, SQL is an ANSI standard language that provides commands to access and update databases....
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what is referential integrity constraint
Referential integrity as the name tell there must be something which would be related to referencing of data in a relation. So as we have primary and foreign key in our relations these hold important position in holding this constraint so as our data remains consistent no rededuancy occur. The table which has foreign key must contain only such values which are used in another table which has primary key.If we want something to add in foreign key or primary table than cascading update operation sholud be performed and to Delete something from any table cascading delete sholud be applied. No extra information can ooccur in both table if one doesn't reference to another table.
shubham 04-29-2015