Data structure - Explain in brief a linked list

Explain in brief a linked list.

A linked list a linear arrangement of data. It allows the programmer to insert data anywhere within the list. The pointer of the list always points to the first node and can be moved programmatically to insert, delete or update any data. Each node in the list contains a data value and the address or a reference to the adjoining node.

How would you sort a linked list?

Different sorting algorithms can be used to sort the linked list. Merge sort is normally used to sort the linked list.

Explain in brief a linked list.

A linked list is a dynamic data structure. It consists of a sequence of data elements and a reference to the next record in the sequence. Stacks, queues, hash tables, linear equations, prefix and post fix operations. The order of linked items is different that of arrays. The insertion or deletion operations are constant in number.
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