EJB design

What are the advantages of implementing a distributed system using in EJB?

- The following are the advantages of the distributed systems in EJB:

- Geographically separate users can use the application. It is useful for corporations whose business scope is spanned across the countries wide data.

- Performance and scalability can be improved for multiple machines because a client-server system is distributed over several machines and countries.

- Heterogeneous systems can use the best tools for each task.

- Different components of an application can run on different hardware to optimize a distinguished tasks.

- Maintenance costs can be reduced by the distributed systems.

Explain the disadvantages of implementing a distributed system using EJB.

The disadvantages of the distributed systems using EJB are:

1. Available of software is limited.

2. Network bandwidth and reliability problems.

3. Security management in distributed system is complex.

4. Increased development time: To implement one session bean, one needs to write three classes.

5. Understandability is more complex to develop and deploy distributed applications.

6. Complexity is added compared to normal java class.

7. The code may be obsolete when implementing new EJB containers.
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Explain EJB in brief.
EJB is a standard for developing server side in JAVA. It specifies agreement between components and application..
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