Daughters are more caring than sons

Daughters are more caring than sons

Very few Indians at least will agree to this statement. In India, in most of the villages couples still pray for sons more than daughters.
  • However, it is a known fact that daughters are more caring than sons. Common domestic issues in any family are over property. And who wants this property always? – The sons!
  • Daughters try and keep family under one shelter. They have no greed of money.
  • When parents are old, daughters become more responsible than sons. This is because before marriage they care of their own parents and after marriage they take care of their family. Hence the essence of responsibility never dies in daughters.
  • Daughters are more understanding and tolerant when compared to sons.
  • When it comes to traditions and social engagements, daughters follow them more.
  • In most of the household domestic work, daughters always stand first to help.
Having said above, it doesn’t mean that sons are not caring at all. Daughters are considered to be more caring because of the attachment with parents. Eventually the parents know that she won’t be staying with them for too long. End of the day it all depends on how the child is nurtured. If there is equality in the house, there can be no possible difference between a son and daughter.
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Asifa 06-16-2023
Daughters are more caring toward parents than sons.
Not always true. My grandpa and grandma have 5 daughters and non of them wants to take care of them when they need the assistance. My father, the youngest boy, ended up taking care of them until they died. Yes, changing their diapers, spoon feeding them, nurse them, and etc.. People commented that it must be very difficult to care for both parents in the house; and my father''s response was, it was an honor to get a chance to serve them and not letting them end up in convalescent homecare with some strangers.
Supra85 06-14-2021
Y are girl more caring than boys
James 07-22-2020
daughters are more carrying then sons
vijiay vs 04-9-2014
daughters are more caring than sons
We like your thoughts about this topic........thanks a lot from the bottom of every daughter's hearts
shweta,pallavi,neha 08-10-2012
for write some note about mention gd "doughter is more valuable as compare to sons."

It is true that doughter is very good as compare to sons, bcoz their are so many reason are available ...

If parents are suffered from some critical situation on that time mostly girls co-operate to help parents.
Girls are admit her mistake immediately when she do any things wrong.

They always take care about her family as well as other things.

They always complete her responsbility very sincerly.

and so many things. but t do not have words to express it.
Dharmendra Gupta 07-1-2012
Group Discussion- Daughters are more caring than sons
It is been proved that daughters are more caring than sons. In the family, the issues related to property have always been raised by sons. Sons always have selfish means and they always cared about the thing which they want to have. Sons show irresponsible behavior and not as caring as daughters. Daughters are more understanding and emotional towards the family values, which is not the case with sons. Daughters are peaceful by nature and remains co-operative with a good attitude in the case of some unpleasant incidents. Daughters make their parents more proud through educational and professional achievements.
Hemant Sharma 01-8-2012