Examinations - has it killed education?

Examinations - has it killed education?

It’s true that examinations help to evaluate an individual academically, however following are some negative aspects:-
  • Exams unnecessarily pressurize the student.
  • In India especially, there are many exams annually. Student barely has any time for extra curricular activities.
  • Most of the exams structure and design are not sufficient to evaluate the real capabilities of the student.
  • Exams in India are based on marks. Grades can be an appropriate mechanism.
If exams can be a curse, it can also help a child:-
  • It helps the student stay connected to his books and keep him on his toes.
  • Exams help the student understand pressure which he/she will face in their professional lives.
  • Exams help in facing competition.
  • If students are only taught, there is no way to judge if they have understood what is being taught.
Exams should not be theoretical. Most questions should be multiple choice and objective to really understand the analytical ability of the child.

As long as the Exams are not very theoretical and are prepared to evaluate a students understanding ability rather than marks, examinations are definitely important. Moreover, it should be understood that judging a student mere on marks cannot be justified.
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Examinations - has it killed education?
The exam patterns dose not give any pressure. The marks students get in the exams they are being judged on that basis that they are intelligent or not, or are they doing good in there studies or not. These thinking made student more conscious about marks rather than knowledge.
choti 07-24-2017
Examination-has it killed education?
Examination has not killed the education system,rather it is a way to judge the knowledge and intelligence of any student.In school if students are only taught the lessons and if there will be no any examination then how can a teacher judge whether the subject what he has taught is clear to all the students or not.Students are in regular practice of study due to examination and they remain in touch with the subject. It also mentally prepare a student to over come the challenge and reduce the havoc of examination by which they can face any examination in future.
Azeem Alam 04-4-2017
examination -has killed the education
No,examination has not killed the education.because,it is meaningless to learning only without testing it. If there are no exams students can't learn or revise their topics in a good way.As scientists also test their inventions by way of experiments.so,exams are essential for testing the knowledge of students.
Gurjot 06-28-2016
examination has killed education.
examination is a way to test one individual performance and his knowledge.what kills the education is the way we learned in a wrong way.mostly in india we learn only to pass in the exams so that we get a job and this leads to the failure of a good education.even the education system of a nation too involved in it as they include irrelevant topics which is not practical or which cant be used in the future.students have inferiority in them for the exams.so they just try to remember the concept for the day of exam and later on it evaporates from their minds.
so,finally the present education system of our country should be changed so that students should be equipped with skills.
rafi 04-2-2016
Group Discussion- Examinations- has it killed education?
No it hasn’t. Examination is required for evaluating what is learnt. An examination is an insight into the challenges of the the outside world and how people are evaluvated at every moment. Students should be ready for the challenges that are going to come by their way as they interact with the outside world. They are also a medium of regular evaluation and they make them mentally prepare for the challenges they face in future.
Hemant Sharma 01-8-2012