How to send SQL statements to databases for execution?

Describe with an example how to send SQL statements to databases for execution.

The following illustrates with examples, to send SQL statements to databases for execution:

- The SQL statements are to be created as objects. These objects are to be assigned to Statement reference.
Statement stmts = con.createStatement();//creates a statement object

- The specific SQL statements are to be executed and the result should be captured
ResultSet rsltSet = stmts.executeQuery(“select * from emp”);

- To make a row inserted into the database and committed:
ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery("select * from emp");
   rs.updateInt(1,15); // first attribute with value 15
   rs.updateString(2,"Vismay”); // second value with Vismay
   rs.updateFloat(3,4500); // third attribute with 4500
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