What is negative infinity?

What is negative infinity?

- Negative infinity is a number in java script, which is derived by 'dividing negative number by zero'.
- A number object needs not to be created to access this static property.
- The value of negative infinity is the same as the negative value of the infinity property of the global object.

The values behave different than the mathematical infinity:

1. Any positive value, including POSITIVE_INFINITY, multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY is NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
2. Any negative value, including NEGATIVE_INFINITY, multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY is POSITIVE_INFINITY.
3. Zero multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY is NaN.
4. NaN multiplied by NEGATIVE_INFINITY is NaN.
5. NEGATIVE_INFINITY, divided by any negative value except NEGATIVE_INFINITY, is POSITIVE_INFINITY.
6. NEGATIVE_INFINITY, divided by any positive value except POSITIVE_INFINITY, is NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
8. Any number divided by NEGATIVE_INFINITY is zero.
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