What is a distributed transaction?

What is a distributed transaction?

The involvement of two or more network hosts for operations bundle, is called distributed transaction. The transactional resources are provided by the hosts while creating and managing the global transactions encompassing all operations against such resources is the responsibility of transaction manager. Similar to other transactions, distributed transactions must have all the ACID properties. The transactions among multiple participating databases are distributed among different physical locations.

What is a distributed transaction?

a. A distributed transaction is a transaction that accesses and updates data on two or more networked resources.
b. These resources could consist of several different RDBMSs housed on a single server, i.e., Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase; or they could include several instances of a single type of database residing on a number of different servers.
c. In any case, a distributed transaction involves coordination among the various resource managers. This coordination is the function of the transaction manager.
d. The transactional resources are provided by the hosts and creating and managing the global transactions encompassing all operations against such resources is the responsibility of transaction manager. Similar to other transactions, distributed transactions must have all the ACID properties.
e. The transactions among multiple participating databases are distributed among different physical locations.
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