Difference between field variable and local variable

What is the difference between a field variable and a local variable?

Local Variables:

- Local variable’s scope is within the block in which they were defined.
- They are alive as long as the block is executed.
- They can not have static access modifier

Field Variables:

- The life span is more than the local variables.
- The are alive as long as the instance of that class is active.
- They can have only ‘static’ access modifier.

What is the difference between a field variable and a local variable?

Field variables: Variable that are declared as a member of a class. OR Variables declared outside any method/constructor but inside the class block.
Scope: they can live as long as the instance they belong to is active.

Local variables: Variables that are declared within a method or a specific block of statements.
Scope: Live throughout the execution of the block
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