How are Observer and Observable used in Java?

How are Observer and Observable used?

- All the objects which are the instances of the sub class Observable, maintains a list of observers.

- At the time of updating an Observable object, it invokes the update() method of each of its observers for notifying the observers which has changed its state.

- The objects implement the Observer interface which observes Observable objects.

- The observer pattern in java is known for its use in design.

- Whenever an observable object changes its state, its corresponding observer classes are notified.

- Observable is implemented as a class which includes methods for managing Observer lists and notifying Observers.

- For example, third-party software cannot be made Observable without changing an existing class hierarchy.

- The observable class represents an observable object.

- The object to be observed can be represented by sub-classing observable class.

- When there is a change in an observable instance, an application calling the Observable's notifyObservers method causes all of its observers to be notified of the change by a call to their update method.
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