MySQL - Explain the command line options offered by mysqld

Explain the command line options offered by "mysqld"

Following are the command line options:-

1. "--help" - Displays a short help message on how to use "mysqld".

2. "--verbose --help" - Displays a long help messages on how to use "mysqld".

3. "--console" - Specifies that the server to send error messages to launching window.

4. "--datadir=dirName" - Specifies that server data goes to the specified director.

5. "--init-file=fileName" - Specifies that server to execute all commands in the specified file at startup time.

6. "--log=fileName" - Specifies that server to write query logs to the specified file.

7. "--log-bin=fileBaseName" - Specifies that server to write binary logs to a file with the specified file base name.

8. "--log-error=fileName" - Specifies that server to write error logs to the specified file.

9. "--port=portNumber" - Specifies that server to listen client connections at the specified port number.

10. "--version" - Returns the version information of the server.
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