MySQL - Explain how to create a new table using MyISAM storage engine

Explain how to create a new table using MyISAM storage engine.

- MyISAM is based on Indexed Sequential Access Method which is the default storage engine.

- However, in order to mention the storage engine, "ENGINE = MYISAM" can be mentioned in the end of the "CREATE TABLE" statement.

- MyISAM is a default storage engine.

- Each MyISAM table is stored on disk in three files.

- The files have names that begin with the table name and have an extension to indicate the file type.

- An .frm file stores the table format. The data file has an .MYD (MYData) extension. The index file has an .MYI (MYIndex) extension.

- To specify explicitly that you want a MyISAM table, indicate that with an ENGINE table option:
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