NET - Explain how to read the contents of an XML document using XMLTextReader

Explain how to read the contents of an XML document using XMLTextReader.

- There are two methods for reading XML that is XmlDocument class and the XmlReader class.

- Both the XmlReader and XmlDocument classes can read XML from a remote URL just as well as from a local file.


- It reads the entire XML document into memory and then lets you navigate back and forward to it as you please or even query the document using the XPath technology.


- It is faster and less memory-consuming alternative.
- XmlReader lets you run through the XML document one element at a time, while allowing you to look at the value and then moves to the next element.
- It consumes very little memory because it holds the current element.
- You will only get the relevant elements because you manually checking the values.

XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(@"c:\abc.xml");
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