.Net web service Testing and consuming

Testing and consuming a .Net web service.

Testing a Web Service

.NET has a test web page that ASP.NET uses automatically when you request the URL of an .asmx file in a browser. This page uses reflection to read and show information about the web services, such as the names of the methods it provides.

Consuming a Web Service

Web services are built on XML standard. So, a client needs to equip itself to understand XML-based message in order to exchange messages. The .Net framework provides proxy component that enable clients to interact with web services. The proxy has all necessary information that can be utilized by the client application to share data with web services.

The proxy class wraps the calls to the web service's methods. It generates SOAP message format and manages the transmission of the messages over the network (using HTTP). When it receives the response message, it converts the results back to the corresponding .NET data types.

You can create a proxy class in .NET in two ways:

- By using wsdl.exe command-line tool
- By using Visual Studio web reference feature
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