What are the uses of Rollback Segment?

What are the uses of Rollback Segment?

- Use the CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT statement to create a rollback segment, which is an object that Oracle Database uses to store data necessary to reverse, or undo, changes made by transactions.

- If the database has a locally managed SYSTEM tablespace, then rollback segments cannot create in any dictionary-managed tablespace.

- Instead, either use the automatic undo management feature or create locally managed tablespaces to hold the rollback segments.

The uses of the rollback segment is as follows:

1. Rollback segments undo changes when a transaction is rolled back.

2. They also ensure that transactions leave the uncommitted changes unnoticed.

3. They can be used to recover the database to a consistent state in case of failures.

4. ROLLBACK recovers the changes resulting from the SQL statements in the transaction.
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