PHP - Explain each encryption function supported in PHP.

Explain each encryption function supported in PHP.

Mcrypt() supports many functions. Few are listed below.

- Mcrypt_cbc()- Encrypts data in Cipher block chain mode.
- Mcrypt_cfb()- Encysrtpts data cipher feedback (CFB) mode
- Mcrypt_decrypt()- Decrypts data.
- mcrypt_encrypt- Encrypts plaintext with given parameters
- mcrypt_generic- encrypts data
- mcrypt_get_key_size - Get the key size of the specified cipher
- mdecrypt_generic – dectpyts data

Explain each encryption function supported in PHP.

crypt(): The crypt() function returns the encrypted string by using DES algorithms.

encrypt(): The encrypt() function encrypts a string using a supplied key.

base64_encode(): This function encrypts the string based on 64 bit encryption.

base64_decode(): This function decrypts the 64 bit encoded string.

md5(): Calculates the MD5 hash of the string using RSA data security algorithm.
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