Project Management - Sizing of software and Reuse Estimating

Software estimation is needed at a very early stage and thus estimation using software size is a formidable task.....
a. Line of Code(LOC) b. Function Points c. Feature Points........
Impact of reused software components upon the size estimate - Project management (PMP)
Line of code is a metric used to measure the size of software for estimation mainly by counting the number of lines needs to be written in the source code......
a. Each counted line must contain only one source statement. b. Count all delivered executable statements.....
a. Widely used and accepted. b. Allows the comparison of size & productivity across development groups...
a. Difficult to measure LOC in the early stages of a new product. b. Source instructions vary with coding languages, design methods and with programmer’s ability..
Function point is software metric used to measure the functions that software must provide to the user.....
a. Count number of functions in each category. b. Apply complexity weight factors. c. Apply Environmental factors.......
a. It can be applied early in the software development life cycle. b. It is independent of the programming language, technology, techniques.....
a. It needs subjective evaluations with a lot of judgment involved. b. Many effort and cost models are based on LOC, so function points need to be converted.....
Feature points are not commonly used as a software estimating technique anymore. The approach was described for certain types of functionality by IFPUG method....
a. Count feature points b. Continue the feature point count by counting the number of algorithms c. Weigh complexity....
It is an excellent approach to be used in size estimation of algorithmically intensive systems......
The main disadvantage is the subjective classification of algorithmic complexity....
Blitz modeling is an approach for software estimation which uses number of classes and number of programs per class as software metric...
Advantages of Blitz modeling: a) Estimation improves with every phase b) Uses data from past projects and hence is more accurate and predictable.....
Disadvantages of Blitz modeling: a) Needs structured methodologies to be used b) Estimation cannot occur till complete design is ready...
Wideband Delphi is a very popular and simple technique for estimating software’s size and effort. It uses a group consensus approach and thus uses a lot of people’s experience for software estimation....
a. Implementation is easy and inexpensive. b. It uses expertise of various people......
a. Difficult to repeat again and again with different group of experts. b. You can possibly reach consensus on incorrect estimate......