Testing - Difference between Image check-point and Bit map check point

Difference between Image check-point and Bit map check point.

A bit map check point need not have image and it goes by the screen area. Whereas in image check-point, an image is needed.

Bitmap check point can compare the exact means of the source images with the destination images. It compares the exact image between both builds. Parts of images can also be checked. Where as in image check point, all the values and properties of the image can be checked.

Difference between Image check-point and Bit map check point.

Image checkpoint allows property value like href tags, HTML tags of an image to be checked. It is also used to check the src tag to verify the image source file. Bit map checkpoint is specifically used to check an area of an application after capturing it as a bitmap. Image checkpoints can be used for only Web add-in environment. On the other hand, bit map check point can be used on all environments provided the corresponding add –ins are loaded.
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