Summary of .Net Remoting - Remoting.NET

Summary of .Net Remoting.

- .Net enables interaction between applications over distributed network.

- To develop a Remoting application, you need to create client and server objects. You need to activate the objects and use reference of the server objects in client to communicate.

- Channels allow application to send and receive messages using protocal like TCP or HTTP.

- You can use delegates in Remoting application to implement event based programming and asynchronous programming.

- Asynchronous programming in Remoting application helps to calls remote methods while client continues to execute other local method.

- To host remote object, server needs some information about the objects.

- The information can be provided programmatically in the code or can be loaded from configuration section of application configuration file or machine.config file.

- Being part of .Net Framework, .Net Remoting can implement role based security. Moreover, it can leverage all security features of ASP.NET, if it hosted in ASP.NET.
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