What are the types of activation modes in .Net remoting? - Remoting.NET

What are the types of activation modes in .Net remoting?

- Server Activation Mode:In this mode, objects are created on the server when we call a method in the server class and not when we create instance using new. In this type of scenario, the client is always connected with server but the services are activated only when we call the method of the server class. We can create server activated object as a Singleton or SingleCall object. If we create server object as singleton, a single instance will manage all the clients. If we create server object as singlecall, the remoting system creates object each time a client method invokes a remote object.

- Client Activation Mode:This object gets created when we create instance using new keyword. In this mode, client application domain defines the lifetimes of client activated objects. The client domain defines the lifetimes of client-activated objects. They use lifetime leases to determine the duration of their existence and after the lifetime expires, the object is marked for GC.
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