SQL Server - Truncate and Delete

Define Truncate and Delete commands.

- Truncate command is used to remove all rows of the column.
- The removed records are not recorded in the transaction log.
- It is the fast way to remove all the records from the table.
- The records once removed can’t be rolled back.
- It can’t activate trigger.
- It resets the identity of the column.

- Delete command removes records one at a time and logs into the transaction log.
- It can be used with or without where clause.
- The records can be rolled back.
- It activates trigger.
- It doesn’t reset the identity of the column.

Define Truncate and Delete commands.

This is also a logged operation but in terms of deallocation of data pages.This is a logged operation for every row.
Cannot TRUNCATE a table that has foreign key constraints.Any row not violating a constraint can be Deleted.
Resets identity column to the default starting value.Does not reset the identity column. Starts where it left from last.
Removes all rows from a table.Used delete all or selected rows from a table based on WHERE clause.
Cannot be Rolled back.Need to Commit or Rollback
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