What are the drawbacks of Struts?

What are the drawbacks of Struts?

Drawbacks of Struts :

1. No backward flow.
2. Single controller servlet – Only one ActionServlet is available which may be an issue of scalability.
3. This framework does not any exception, where there are errors in the config files.
4. Less transparent.
5. Rigid approach.
6. With struts 1, embedding application into JSP can’t be prevented.
7. Non-XML compliance of JSP syntax
Explain Struts navigation flow
Struts navigation flow - After deploying the application in the server, the container reads the information from web.xml....
Explain the design patterns used in Struts
Design patterns used in Struts - The Struts design pattern has N-tier architecture. This includes MVC architecture, Web applications characters, struts framework which includes – architecture, design patterns and coding idioms.....
Different kinds of actions in Struts
Different kinds of actions in Struts - The different kinds of actions are done by the following: DispatchAction, ActionDispatcher , LookupDispatchAction.....
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