VB.NET interview questions and answers, vb.net faq pdf

Services provided by Common Language Infrastructure - Common Language Runtime, Common Type System, Type Safety, Managed Code Execution, Side-by-side execution....
Explain the components of common language runtime - Class Loader, MSIL, Code Manager, Garbage collector, Security engine, Type Checker, Thread Support, Debug engine, Base class library, Exception manager, COM Marshaller......
Describe the managed execution process in .NET - Steps in managed execution process:......
How the .NET Framework performs automatic memory management - Allocation of memory, Release of memory.....
What is Finalizer? - It is a method that is executed when an object is garbage collected.......
Difference and similarity between a class and a structure - Both the class and structure are user define types. Both are the template of the object...
Implicit cast and explicit cast in .Net - Implicit cast allows conversion without any loss of data and it takes place only when there is no possible of loss of data. ....
Imperative and declarative security - Imperative security is implemented by calling methods of Permission objects in code at run time........
Anchoring and Docking - Anchoring treats the component as having the absolute size and adjusts its location relative to the parent form........
Garbage collection - GC is automatic memory reclamation. It is low-priority thread that always runs in the background of the application. ........
Define Assembly in .NET - An assembly that can be shared by multiple applications. To make an assembly a shared assembly.......
Describe user interface design in .Net - Major elements of a user interface include forms, controls, and menus......
Define form in VB.NET - Forms are the primary unit of the user interface........
Context menu - It is useful for enabling access to commands in a variety of contextual situations.......
Validation - Field-level validation means validating each field as it receives focus. Form-level validation is the process.......
TextBox control properties - Textbox control has several properties that restrict the values users can enter.......
Keyboard events - Keyboard events allow you to validate keystrokes........
What are the major components of .NET framework? - Common Language Runtime: It helps in application execution, allocation and reclamation of memory.......
Define reference type and value type - A value type holds the data assigned to it.......
Constructors and destructors - The constructor sets default value to the class and runs when the class is initialized......
What is the use of Command builder? - Command builder generates insert/update/delete commands for data adapter based on select command.......
Significance of Import and Using statement - To have same names declared and used in one or more namespaces, import aliases can be used.......
COM+ services - Queued components provide asynchronous message queuing.Object Pooling provides a pool of ready-made objects......
Shared member of the class - It is member of the class which can be access without creating instance of the class........
What is visual inheritance in VB.NET? - Visual inheritance allows deriving forms from the base form with common controls......
Define extender provider component - ErrorProvider, HelpProvider, and ToolTip components are the examples of extender provider.....
Here are the general steps that are followed during a transaction...
The command objects are used to connect to the Datareader or dataset objects with the help of the following methods.....
DataSet object can contain multiple rowsets from the same data source as well as from the relationships between them.......
.NET Mobile overview - .NET Mobile is a platform for developing applications for mobile phones. It’s an extension to .NET Framework and is called Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit.......
Pros and cons of LINQ - Stored procedures normally are faster as they have a predictable execution plan. Therefore, if a stored procedure is being executed for the second time......
Disadvantages of LINQ over Stored Procedures - LINQ needs to process the complete query, which might have a performance impact in case of complex queries against stored procedures which only need serialize sproc-name and argument data over the network.......
Overview of VB 2008 - base class libraries, new functionality added in VB 2008, role of the common intermediate language, benefits of CIL, role of .NET Type Metadata......
VB.NET - Define Shared member of the class - It is member of the class which can be access without creating instance of the class.....
VB.NET - What is visual inheritance in VB.NET? - Visual inheritance allows deriving forms from the base form with common controls.......
VB.NET - How can you set tab order in VB.NET? - Tab order can be set using ‘View menu Tab Index’......
VB.NET - Define extender provider component - It provides additional features to the controls.....
VB.NET - Field-level validation and form-level validation - Field-level validation means validating each field as it receives focus.......
VB.NET - Steps to add a control to a form at run time - Declare and instantiate a new instance of the control......
VB.NET - Define implicit cast and explicit cast - Implicit cast allows conversion without and loss of data.....
VB.NET - When do you use enums and constants? - Enums and constants make the code easier to understand and maintain ......
VB.NET - Arrays and collections - An array is fixed length type that can store group of objects.......
VB.NET - Use properties instead of fields - You can provide validation code with properties that validate data being read or set......
VB.NET - Define delegate. How to implement it - A delegate acts like a strongly typed function pointer......
VB.NET Parse method - Parse method is used to convert string value to numeric type......
VB.NET - kinds of multidimensional arrays - Multidimensional arrays are just like a table structure with rows and column.....
VB.NET - What is encapsulation? - It is the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming......
VB.NET - Define method overloading - It allows several methods with the same name but different signatures.....
VB.NET - Describe an abstract class - An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated but must be inherited. ......
VB.NET - Describe Break mode - Break mode allows reading code line-by-line.......
VB.NET Watch window - Watch window is used to watch the values of application variables in Break mode......
VB.NET - What is trace? Describe its working - Trace produces messages about program conditions even after application is compiled and released without interrupting application execution......
Exception handling in VB.NET - The Try block encapsulate set of code that is error prone and can throw exception......
VB.NET - What is data provider? Explain its components - Data Provider is a set of components that facilitate data access.......
VB.NET - DataReader and DataAdapter in ADO.NET - DataReader: It is lightweight class that provides connected and forward-only data access......
VB.NET - commandType property of a SqlCommand object - CommandType property can set to Text, StoredProcedure, or TableDirect.....
VB.NET - typed and untyped DataSet objects - An untyped dataset has no corresponding built-in schema......
VB.NET - Briefly describe DataView - The data represented in a DataView object can be filtered and sorted......
VB.NET - Define an XmlDataDocument - An XmlDataDocument is an in-memory representation of data in a hierarchical XML format ......
VB.NET - SQL injection attack - It occurs when SQL string is passed as user input to the application......
VB.NET - ReadXML, WriteXML, GetXML - ReadXML: The dataset method that reads data from an XML file into a dataset. WriteXML......
VB.NET user-defined controls - Inherited controls, user controls, and custom controls......
VB.NET - Role of the LicenseProvider in control licensing - The LicenseProvider controls license validation and grants run-time licenses......
VB.NET - There are five requirements that Microsoft incorporated for the application to be certified for windows program......
VB.NET - Steps to create localized form - Set the Localizable property to true.......
VB.NET - difference between Globalization and Localization - Globalization refers to the application of culture-specific format to existing data.....
VB.NET - What is strong name? - Create Key file with the strong name utility (sn.exe).....
VB.NET - Retrieve resources at run time - Create an instance of the ResourceManager class using the assembly that contains the desired resource.....
VB.NET - Retrieve information from the configuration file at run time - To retrieve information from the configuration file......
VB.NET - Imperative and declarative security - Imperative security is implemented by calling methods of Permission objects in code at run time......
VB.NET - What is a shared assembly? - An assembly that can be shared by multiple applications.......
VB.NET XCOPY deployment - It is a simple DOS command method of deployment......
VB.NET - What is a native image? - It is a precompiled version of a .NET assembly.......
VB.NET - What is a bootstrapper application? - A bootstrapper application automatically detects if Windows Installer is installed on the target machine.......