Important features of VC++

Explain the important features of VC++.

Microsoft VC++ is a Microsoft product and used as an IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

It has tools for coding and debugging visual codes.

The main features of this are:-
1) Smart pointers
2) New containers
3) Expression parsing
4) Polymorphism
5) Exception Handling
6) Garbage collection
What is CMutex? How can we use it?
Important features of VC++ - CMutex is a synchronization class which uses synchronization object named as mutex...............
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At the beginning of every application has one and only one thread, called as primary thread. CWinApp which is the user derived class encapsulates this thread..............
Explain the significance of InitApplication() in VC++.
InitApplication() function is a Boolean method to display an output. This gives output as true if application executes correctly..............
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