Advantages of XAML

Advantages of XAML.

What is XAML?

- It is an XML based language which is used to create rich GUI’s.

- XAML stands for Extensible Application Markup Language.

- It supports both vector and bitmap images.

- These files are XML files with .xaml extension.

- It can be used for creating graphical effects.

- It is used for initializing structured values and objects.

- The elements of XAML maps directly to Common Language Runtime object instances.

- It can be compiled into a .BAML file (Binary Application Markup Language), which may be inserted as a resource into a .NET framework assembly.

Advantages of XAML:

1. Easy designing of a UI(User Interface).

2. Shorter code then the previous designing techniques.

3. The UIs are easier to transfer and present in other environments. E.g: A UI can be presented. on the web or a Windows Client with ease.

4. Designing a dynamic UI is absolutely easier with XAML.

5. XAML allows creating visible UI elements and separate the UI definition from the programming logic.
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