Our expert said - 12 Aug 16
It would be better to go with the flow of the interviewer as far as this question is concerned. The more the candidate tries to defend their lesser package, it would be difficult to negotiate a better proposal for salary at the end of the interview. Defending a low package directly means that the candidate is satisfied with their pay scale and would be happy to carry-on on a similar salary. This could decrease the expected package for the applied profile.

Candidate can conversely accept that the pay scale is less as compared to others in industry, and make this an important reason for the decision of job change. Candidate should not forget to explain their potential and skills which had been under-evaluated through less income. Candidate can show a bit of self-estimation to put-forth their value to convince the interviewer. The interviewer should not have a thinking that the lesser pay is due to the lack of capabilities in the candidate.

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18
-1 OR 2+438-438-1=0+0+0+1 --

Posted by: fgmopldo - 28 Feb 18

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