What are technologies we use in DHTML?

What are technologies we use in DHTML? Explain their significance in DHTML application?

Speaking in true sense there is nothing dynamic in DHTML but enclosing technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, DOM and the static markup language it becomes dynamic.

JavaScript : Whether we call it JavaScript, Jscript, or ECMAScript, it is the most common language used today for client-side scripting. The main reason for this JavaScript comes with virtually every browser.For example, an onload event could execute a JavaScript function to query the browser’s cookies collection to determine whether the user is a first-time visitor to the page.

CSS : It stands for Cascading Style Sheet. This is used for the presentation part of the web page. In simple words it holds the designing of the page. The look & feel of the page completely depends on CSS. In DHTML CSS rules can be modified at both the document and the element level using JavaScript with event handlers, they can add a significant amount of dynamism with very little code.

DOM : It stands for Dynamic Object Model and it is the weakest link in DHTML as many of the browser does not support the DOM functionality. It defines the object and its properties. It is a standard way of accessing and manipulating the static content. The Document Object Model is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows program and scripts to dynamically access the content and update it.
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