Java Localization Questions and Answers

Localization: The adaptation of a document, product or an application in order to meet the cultural, language and specific location requirements. The location is also known as ‘locale’...
The class Locale represents a specific political, geographical or cultural region. The operations that uses Locale is known as ‘locale-sensitive’ for tailoring the information for the user...
A resource bundle is file that has ‘.properties’ extension in Java. It contains the data that is locale specific...
Localizer is the most popular way for localizing a Java application. The localizable information is persisted in “ .properties “ files. The localizer ‘Lingobit’ translates the required files into another language...
Strings can extract to a Resource Bundle file by using the method getString()...
A property resource bundle can be loaded by using FileInputStream object, sent as a parameter t the PropertyResourceBundle constructor...
Multiple locales can actually be active by a Java application at the same time. A U.S. date format can be used and a German number format within a single / same application...