Why Java uses Unicode? - Java

Explain why Java uses Unicode.

To enable a computer system for storing text and numbers which is understandable by humans, there should be a code that transforms characters into numbers.

Unicode is a standard of defining the relevant code by using character encoding. Character encoding is the process for assigning a number for every character. The central objective of Unicode is to unify different language encoding schemes in order to avoid confusion among computer systems that uses limited encoding standards such as ASCII, EBCDIC etc.

Java Unicode:

The evolution of Java was the time when the Unicode standards had been defined for very smaller character set. Java was designed for using Unicode Transformed Format (UTF)-16, when the UTF-16 was designed. The ‘char’ data type in Java originally used for representing 16-bit Unicode. Hence Java uses Unicode standard.
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Discussion Board

Can you please explain Unicode, I have already learned but I am confused so please explain with example and in simple language.

Ashish Sharma 06-18-2017
Java programming
This is great!!! Let's study together!!
Zin Minn Oo 10-19-2015