Breakthrough dengue drug using Ayurveda

Q.  Alcoholic extract of Cissampelos pariera Linn (Cipa extract) has been seen as a potent inhibitor of
- Published on 17 Mar 16

a. Chikangunia Virus
b. Zika Virus
c. Dengue Virus
d. Malaria

ANSWER: Dengue Virus
  • Results showed that the alcoholic extract of Cissampelos pariera Linn (Cipa extract) was a potent inhibitor of all four DENVs (dengue viruses).
  • The project was undertaken jointly by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), under the Ministry of Science and Technology, the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and Ranbaxy Research Laboratory (now owned by Sun Pharma), and employed Ayurveda in devising the drug.
  • Preliminary evaluation on rats of the clinical relevance of Cipa extract showed it had no adverse impact on platelet count and RBC viability. It also showed no evidence of toxicity.

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