Component ripping prevention in mechanical shock enclosure testing

Q.  In mechanical shock type of an enclosure testing, the usability of materials with high tensile strength is necessary for overcoming the effect of  __________
- Published on 25 Sep 15

a. Deformation
b. Fatigue
c. Ripping of components
d. Insulation degradation

ANSWER: Ripping of components


  • Satyawati Patil   -Posted on 06 Oct 15
    If the enclosure testing is associated with the mechanical shock type, then there are several factors which give rise to the effects of deformation, fatigue and ripple of components.

    The use of proper mechanical design can reduce the chances of deformation. Even,the provision of proper heat treatment can reduce the fatigue effect of components.

    Materials bearing high tensile strength can reduce the ripping effect of components. Higher the tensile strength of material, less are the effects of component ripping.

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