ECI has provided importance to enrolment of eligible citizens, unveiled new motto for 2016

Q.  Election Commission of India had adopted which motto for the year 2016?
- Published on 21 Jul 16

a. No voter to be left behind
b. No voter to be left out
c. No voter to be left aside
d. No voter to be kept behind

ANSWER: No voter to be left behind
Election Commission of India has given utmost importance to enrolment of eligible citizens and assist electors to reach and cast votes in a hassle free way through Polling Stations.
  • No voter to be left behind is the motto of the ECI for the year 2016.
  • NERP or National Electoral Roll Purification programme was launched across the country with intensive verifications by the field functionaries and stakeholders to enhance the purity and fidelity of the Electoral Rolls and standardisation of PS for electors to be able to reach these easily.

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