Kamlesh Chandra Committee for Gramin Dak Sevaks

Q.  What is the name of committee that is appionted to study wage structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks?
- Published on 05 Jan 16

a. Kamlesh Chandra Committee
b. R. K. Sharma Commitee
c. V K Bali Commitee
d. G S Kulkarni Commitee

ANSWER: Kamlesh Chandra Committee
- Government constitute Kamlesh Chandra Committee to study wage structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks.
- The one-man committee will review and suggest changes in existing wage structures, facilities and other social security benefits provided to 'gramin dak sevaks' (GDS)
- Gramin dak sevaks are extra-departmental agents recruited by the postal department to serve in rural areas. They have been demanding pay and facilities at par with regular postal department employees.

- Committee will examine the system of branch post offices, employment conditions and the existing structure of wage and emoluments paid to GDS and recommend necessary changes.

- It will also examine and suggest any changes in the method of recruitment, minimum qualification for appointment as Gramin Dak Sevaks and their conduct and disciplinary rules, particularly keeping in view the proposed induction of technology in the Rural Post Offices.


  • khokan saren   -Posted on 25 Mar 17
    we Hope that good new for GDS.
  • Rashmi Dongre    -Posted on 24 Feb 17
    Mr. Kamlesh Chandraji please display report.. Do not late.... We r hoping
  • Namuduri balamurali Krishna    -Posted on 23 Jan 17
    Sir pls tell them gds employees have transfer' sss
  • Bapi Chowdhury    -Posted on 11 Jan 17
    Transfer rules for GDS employees will start after 7th pay commission?
  • Nallppa bpm   -Posted on 01 Dec 16
    We hope that good news for us as early as possible
  • sankar   -Posted on 22 Nov 16
    Write your comment here...sir
    plz submit the report & give our all facility as soon as possible....gds bpm
  • v.raju gdsmd kurnool   -Posted on 14 Nov 16
    how ever the black money comming out increase gds salaries above 25000 and save them because the majority of gds working more than 8 hours
  • Surendra Sharma   -Posted on 03 Oct 16
    how many salery for GDS employee
  • Erroju uday kumar   -Posted on 01 Oct 16
    Dear Sir! Any improve in GDS employee salary ..
  • ramesh    -Posted on 02 Aug 16
    Gds mc/da how Mani shalary 7th pay comissin sir
  • Yogesh   -Posted on 23 Jul 16
    sir any rule of post office stay in grampanchayat

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