New features and measures introduced for Divyang by IR

Q.  Which of the following is introduced by IR for Divyang?

1) Braille enabled new coaches
2) Online booking of wheelchairs
3) At least one Divyang friendly toilet at each platform

- Published on 01 Mar 16

a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above
For the Divyang, IR introduced:
  • One-time registration for availing concessions while booking tickets online.
  • Online booking of wheelchairs.
  • Braille enabled new coaches.
  • all stations under redevelopment accessible by Divyang
  • to provide at least one Divyang friendly toilet at each platform in A1 class stations during the next financial year and also ensure availability of wheelchairs in sufficient numbers at these stations.

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