Panchgavya- Term for 5 products obtained from cow milk

Q.  What is the classic collective name of five products obtained from cow viz milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung?
- Published on 27 Feb 15

a. Panchdhaatu
b. Panchamruta
c. Panchagavya
d. Panchtantra

ANSWER: Panchagavya
Medicinal uses of Panchagavya and its individual ingredients including cow urine are mentioned in the authoritative books of Ayurveda listed in the First Schedule of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940. Its therapeutic uses in Ayurveda include Krimi Roga, Kushtha, Kandu, Shoola, Gulma, Udara Roga, Anaha, Shotha, Pandu, Kamala, Vasti Roga, Kasa, Shavasa, Atisara, Mutraroga etc.

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