Paragraph Formation - English (MCQ) for Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC for Q. 27974

Q.  A. However, in spite of parental efforts kids are found to fall short of their potentiality.
B. Bringing out the best of the child is a gradual process of support and encouragement on your part.
C. Parents give natural ability of children as an explanation for this.
D. These efforts pay off in peak performance – the stuff of every parent’s dream.
E. There are no shortcuts to bringing out the best of your child.

- Published on 01 Mar 17


Here, we can see that sentence E is the obvious opener as it introduces the central theme or idea about bringing out the best in child.

B logically follows E as B begins with ‘bringing out’ continuing the idea from previous sentence.

Here, transition word ‘however’ is used to link the paragraph. C follows A as it discusses about view of parents.

The last sentence here should be D.

The correct sequence should be “EBACD”

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