Scientists prove bird’s brain most densely packed with neurones

Q.  Which species has more densely packed neurons in the brains than other animals?
- Published on 14 Jun 16

a. Kangaroos
b. Dogs
c. Birds
d. Cats

Scientists have been baffled by the smarts displayed by birds with tiny brains and birds have more densely packed neutrons than other animals indicating cognitive ability on par with that of primates.
  • A macaw’s brain can be the size of a shelled walnut, smaller than that of a macaque monkey which has a brain the size of a lemon.
  • Parrots have far more neutrons than either in the forebrain.
  • Researchers were the first to measure neutrons in 20 bird species ranging from the tiny finch to the 1.8 m emu.
  • Parrots and crows have cognitive abilities akin to those of primates.
  • Birds can make certain tools and use them to obtain food and deal with other problems
  • Birds especially songbirds and parrots have a large number of neutrons in their pallium explaining why it supports higher cognitive functions such as planning for the future or finding patterns.

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