Verbal Analogies - English (MCQ) for Bank, MBA, CAT, MAT, GMAT, SSC for Q. 21190

Q.  Choose the pair of words which have a similar relationship to that between the given pair of words:

Equilibrium : balance

- Published on 22 Apr 16

a. Acquit : blame
b. Bold : cautious
c. Elevation : height
d. Endanger : guard

ANSWER: Elevation : height
Equilibrium and Balance are synonyms. Hence, the correct option having a similar relationship to that between the given pair of words is Elevation : height

Option (a) : The meaning of acquit is let go, etc.. Blame is antonym of the word 'Acquit'.
Option (b) : The meaning of bold is fearless, daring, etc.. Cautious means to be careful, which is antonym of the word 'bold'.
Option (d) : The meaning of Endanger is hazard, threaten, etc. Guard means defender, which is antonym of the word 'Endanger'.

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