Analog Communication Test Questions - Set 9

1)   Notch filter is a

a. Band pass filter
b. Band stop filter
c. Low pass filter
d. High pass filter
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ANSWER: Band stop filter

A notch filter allows to pass almost whole range of frequencies through it, except a specific range. The notch filter attenuates a narrow set of frequencies or the stop band to pass through. Electrical equivalent of the stop filter is given by

Notch filter

2)   Noise is added to a signal in a communication system

a. At the receiving end
b. At transmitting antenna
c. In the channel
d. During regeneration of the information
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ANSWER: In the channel

Noise is an unwanted electrical signal that is added with the transmitted signal while passing through the communication channel. The noise interferes with the signal and may produce distortions to the signal.

3)   Noise power at the resistor is affected by the value of the resistor as

a. Directly proportional to the value of the resistor
b. Inversely proportional to the value of the resistor
c. Unaffected by the value of the resistor
d. Becomes half as the resistance value is doubled
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ANSWER: Unaffected by the value of the resistor

The Noise power is given by
Pn = KTB
K = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K, joules per Kelvin, the Boltzmann constant
B is the bandwidth at which the power Pn is delivered.
T noise temperature,
which is unaffected by change in the value of the resistor.

4)   Low frequency noise is

a. Transit time noise
b. Flicker noise
c. Shot noise
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Flicker noise

With decrease in the frequency, the power spectral density of the flicker noise increases. It is generated due to fluctuations in the density of the carrier that increases the conductivity of the material. Therefore, there is a voltage drop during the flow of current. The flicker noise is considerable at low frequencies (below a few KHz).

5)   Hilbert transform may be used in

a. Generation of SSB signals
b. Representation of band pass signals
c. Designing of minimum phase type filters
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: All of the above

Hilbert transform may be obtained by first taking the Fourier Transform of the signal g(t), multiplying it by jsgn(f), then taking the inverse fourier transform and therefore obtaining g(t). jsgn(f) is j for the positive frequency f, and therefore the Hilbert Transform shifts the signal by -900 for a linear system whose input is g(t) and output obtained is g(t). Hilbert transform may be used in generation of SSB signals, representation of band pass signals, and designing of minimum phase type filters.

6)   At a room temperature of 300K, calculate the thermal noise generated by two resistors of 10KΩ and 20 KΩ when the bandwidth is 10 KHz.

a. 4.071 * 10-6 V, 5.757 * 10-6 V
b. 6.08 * 10-6 V, 15.77 * 10-6 V
c. 16.66 * 10-6 V, 2.356 * 10-6 V
d. 1.66 * 10-6 V, 0.23 * 10-6 V
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ANSWER: 4.071 * 10-6 V, 5.757 * 10-6 V

Noise voltage Vn = √(4R KTB)
Where, K = 1.381×10-23 J/K, joules per Kelvin, the Boltzmann constant
B is the bandwidth at which the power Pn is delivered.
T noise temperature
R is the resistance
Noise voltage by individual resistors
Vn1 = √(4R1 KTB)
= √(4 * 10 * 103 * 1.381 * 10-23 * 3000 * 10 * 103)
= √16.572 * 10-12
= 4.071 * 10-6 V
Vn2 = √(4R2 KTB)
= √(4 * 20 * 103 * 1.381 * 10-23 * 3000 * 10 * 103)
= √33.144 * 10-12
= 5.757 * 10-6 V

7)   At a room temperature of 293K, calculate the thermal noise generated by two resistors of 20KΩ and 30 KΩ when the bandwidth is 10 KHz and the resistors are connected in series.

a. 300.66 * 10-7
b. 284.48 * 10-7
c. 684.51 * 10-15
d. 106.22 * 10-7
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ANSWER: 284.48 * 10-7

Noise voltage Vn = √(4R KTB)
Where, K = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K, joules per Kelvin, the Boltzmann constant
B is the bandwidth at which the power Pn is delivered.
T noise temperature
R is the resistance
Noise voltage by resistors when connected in series is
Vn = √{4(R1 + R2) KTB}
= √{4(20 * 103 + 30 * 103) * 1.381 × 10-23 * 293 * 10 * 103 }
= 284.48 * 10-7

8)   At a room temperature of 300K, calculate the thermal noise generated by two resistors of 10KΩ and 30 KΩ when the bandwidth is 10 KHz and the resistors are connected in parallel.

a. 30.15 * 10-3
b. 8.23 * 10-23
c. 11.15 * 10-7
d. 26.85 * 10-7
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ANSWER: 11.15 * 10-7

Noise voltage Vn = √(4R KTB)
Where, K = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K, joules per Kelvin, the Boltzmann constant
B is the bandwidth at which the power Pn is delivered.
T noise temperature
R is the resistance
Noise voltage by resistors when connected in parallel is
Vn = √{4R KTB}
Here for resistors to be in parallel,
1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2
= 1/10K + 1/30K
= 0.1333
R = 7.502KΩ
Vn = √{4 * 7.502 * 103 * 1.381×10-23 * 300 * 10 * 103}
= √124.323 * 10-14
= 11.15 * 10-7

9)   A periodic signal is

a. May be represented by g(t) = g(t + T0)
b. Value may be determined at any point
c. Repeats itself at regular intervals
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: All of the above

A periodic function repeats its values in regular intervals or periods. A periodic signal g(t) is a function of time that satisfies the equation
g(t)= g(t + T0) for all the values of t.
t is time
T0 is a constant that denotes the complete cycle of g(t).
The signals that do not satisfy the equation are known as non periodic or aperiodic signals.

10)   Sine wave is a

a. Periodic signal
b. Aperiodic signal
c. Deterministic signal
d. Both a and c
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ANSWER: Periodic signal

A periodic function repeats its values in regular intervals or periods. The signal sine wave is a periodic function. Its value may be determined at any point of time as it repeats itself at regular intervals.

11)   Properties of Hilbert transform are:

a. The signal and its Hilbert transform have same energy density spectrum
b. The signal and its Hilbert transform are mutually diagonal
c. Both a and b are correct
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Both a and b are correct

Properties of Hilbert transform are:
1. The signal and its Hilbert transform have same energy density spectrum
2. The signal and its Hilbert transform are mutually diagonal
3. The signal and its Hilbert transform have same auto correlation function.

12)   An even function f(x) for all values of x and x holds

a. f(x) = f(-x)
b. f(x) = -f(x)
c. f(x) = f(x)f(-x)
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: f(x) = f(-x)

If f(x) is a real-valued function of a real variable then f is even if the following equation holds for all the values of x and x.
f(x) = f(-x)
f(x) - f(-x) = 0

13)   Random signals is

a. May be specified in time
b. Occurrence is random
c. Repeat over a period
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Occurrence is random

Random signals have their occurrence random in nature. These signals cannot be specified in time. The signals are irregular in nature, that is, they do not repeat with time. Thermal noise is a type of random signal.

14)   Unit step function is

a. Exists only for positive side
b. Is zero for negative side
c. Discontinuous at time t=0
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: All of the above

Unit step function is a type of function that exists only for positive side and is zero for negative side. The unit step function is discontinuous at time t=0.
The unit step function u(t) is defined as
u(t) = 0 for t<0
= 1 for t>0

15)   In Unit impulse function

a. Pulse width is zero
b. Area of pulse curve is unity
c. Height of pulse goes to infinity
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: All of the above

In Unit impulse function
1. The width of the pulse is zero.
2. Area of pulse curve is always unity.
3. Height of pulse goes to infinity.
4. The height of the impulse is same as the area of the impulse.

16)   For a Unit ramp function area of pulse curve is unity

a. Discontinuous at time t=0
b. Starts at time t=0 and linearly increases with t
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
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ANSWER: Starts at time t=0 and linearly increases with t

Definition of unit impulse function

A Unit ramp function is a continuous time function that starts at time t=0 and linearly increases with t. Denoted by r (t), the unit ramp function is represented by
r(t) = 0 for t<0
= t for t>0

17)   Thermal noise is also known as

a. Johnson noise
b. Partition noise
c. Flicker noise
d. Solar noise
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ANSWER: Johnson noise

Thermal noise is also known as Johnson noise or White noise. It is the random noise generated in resistive components due to rapid and random motion of atoms or electrons. Johnson noise is named after the scientist J.B. Johnson. Thermal noise contains all frequency components in equal amount. The white noise has infinite average power and is not physically attainable but it has suitable mathematical properties so it is used for system analysis in most of the systems.

18)   Threshold effect is:

a. Reduction in output signal to noise ratio
b. Large noise as compared to input signal to envelope detector
c. Detection of message signal is difficult
d. All of the above
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ANSWER: All of the above

It is defined as the value of input signal to noise ratio below which the output signal to noise ratio decreases much rapidly than the input signal to noise ratio. It is the property of envelope detectors used for the demodulation of modulated signals. It occurs due to presence of large noise and therefore causes loss in the message signal. When the noise is very large as compared to the input at envelope detector, the message signal at the output is mixed with noise.

19)   The rms value of thermal noise voltage is related to Boltzmann's constant k as

a. Vn is Directly proportional to k2
b. Vn is Directly proportional to k
c. Vn is Directly proportional to √k
d. Vn is Directly proportional to k3
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ANSWER: Vn is Directly proportional to √k

Noise voltage Vn is given by
√(4R KTB)

Where, K = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K, joules per Kelvin, the Boltzmann constant

B is the bandwidth at which the power Pn is delivered.

T noise temperature

R is the resistance

If K is the Boltzmann's constant, the rms value of thermal noise voltage is proportional to √k.

20)   The spectrum of the sampled signal may be obtained without overlapping only if

a. fs ≥ 2fm
b. fs < 2fm
c. fs > fm
d. fs < fm
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ANSWER: fs ≥ 2fm

If the signal of frequency fm is sampled at the rate fs ≥ 2fm only then the spectrum of the sampled signal is obtained without overlapping. The spectrum obtained is repetitive in nature and is completely without overlapping.

spectrum of sampled signal