C++ Test Questions Set 3

1)   Public data members and member functions of the class are accessible ONLY to the member functions of that class.

a. True
b. False

Answer  Explanation 


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2)    Only functions of the class can access the data of the class and they(functions) provides the interface between data, objects and the program. This kind isolation of the data from direct access by the program is called _______________ .

a. Data Abstraction
b. Data Hiding
c. Data Binding
d. Data Encapsulation
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Data Hiding

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3)   A Constructor that does not have any parameters is called____________ Constructor.

a. Custom
b. Dynamic
c. Static
d. Default
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Default

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4)   If we have object from ofstream class, then default mode of opening the file is _____ .

a. ios::in
b. ios::out
c. ios::in|ios::trunc
d. ios::out|ios::trunk
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: ios::out|ios::trunk

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5)    _______________ is a member function that is declared within a base class and redefined by derived class.

a. virtual function
b. static function
c. friend function
d. const member function
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: virtual function

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6)   Syntax for Pure Virtual Function is ______________ .

a. virtual void show()==0
b. void virtual show()==0
c. virtual void show()=0
d. void virtual show()=0
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: virtual void show()=0

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7)   Logical expressions produce ____________ type results.

a. explicit
b. garbage
c. bool
d. static
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: bool

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8)   We can initialize a value of static variable of a class only when its object is created. No other initialization is permitted.

a. True
b. False

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9)   When a base class is privately inherited by the derived class, then_____________ .

a. protected members of the base class become private members of derived class
b. public members of the base class become private members of derived class
c. both a and b
d. only b
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: both a and b

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10)   What is the difference between protected and private access specifiers in inheritance?

a. private member is not inheritable and not accessible in derived class.
b. protected member is inheritable and also accessible in derived class.
c. Both are inheritable but private is accessible in the derived class.
d. Both are inheritable but protected is not accessible in the derived class.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: protected member is inheritable and also accessible in derived class.

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11)   A friend function does not have 'this' pointer associated with it.

a. True
b. False

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12)   In nested try blocks, if both inner and outer catch handlers are not able to handle the exception, then ______________ .

a. Compiler executes only executable statements of main().
b. Compiler issues compile time errors about it.
c. Program will be executed without any interrupt.
d. Program will be terminated abnormally.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Program will be terminated abnormally.

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13)   Throwing an unhandled exception causes standard library function then _________ to be invoked.

a. stop()
b. aborted()
c. terminate()
d. Abandon()
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: terminate()

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14)   In CPP, it is mandatory and must to initialize const variables.

a. True
b. False

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15)   When a class is defined inside any function or block, it is called ___________ .

a. Nested class
b. Block class
c. Local class
d. It is not possible
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Local class

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16)   Which of the followings are false statements about Local class?

1. A local class type name can only be used in the enclosing function
2. All the methods of Local classes must be defined inside the class only
3. A Local class can contain static data members.
4. A Local class may contain static functions.
5. Non-static variables of the enclosing function are not accessible inside local classes.
6. Local classes cannot access global types, variables and functions.

a. Only 1,3
b. Only 3, 6
c. Only 2 , 4 , 6
d. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Only 3, 6

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17)   Due to ios::trunc mode, the file is truncated to zero length.

a. True
b. False

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18)   A const object of a class can call non-const member function of the class.

a. True
b. False

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19)   If an argument to a function is declared as const, then _______ .

a. function can modify the argument.
b. Function can’t modify the argument.
c. const argument to a function is not possible.
d. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Function can’t modify the argument.

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20)   Return type of uncaught_exception() is ________________ .

a. int
b. bool
c. char *
d. double
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: bool

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21)   Can we write throw clause inside catch handler?

a. Yes
b. No

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22)   Default values for a function are specified when ____ .

a. function is defined
b. function is declared
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: function is declared

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23)   Can member functions of one class be friend functions of another class?

a. Yes
b. No

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24)   Predict the output:

float x= 3.1496;
cout << setpricision(2) << x;

a. 3.14
b. 3.15
c. 3.00
d. None of these
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: None of these

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25)   In case of binary operator overloading with member function, which of following statement should be taken into consideration?

a. Right hand operand must be object.
b. Left hand operand must be object.
c. Both the operands must be objects.
d. All of these should be considered.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Left hand operand must be object.

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